How to set essential skyrim
How to set essential skyrim

how to set essential skyrim

If you use a mod that makes all essential NPCs killable, you risk the chance of not only breaking some quests, but also of … In that case it is the quest MS11PreEssentializing which makes a number of NPCs essential. that's whether or not the npc is essential.

how to set essential skyrim

Welcome to the Skyrim Special Edition guide! PlayStation 2 years ago. UFOs are real and they come from the planet Mattel in … ". This is a brilliant alternate start mod for the PS4 where you customize how you begin. Manual Removal Go to: C:\Users\(YourName)\Documents\­My Games\Skyrim\Skyrim.INI Then scroll down and remove the? Thank you for the A2A As far as I know, killing a non-essential NPC will get you a bounty if you leave any witness.

How to set essential skyrim